92/306 Haiden 11/10/09

Holding you I wonder. Your future, is unknown yet certainly full of hope and deep desire for all that is good in life. What will be depends so much on the decisions of others. Yet you will also make choices. May you remember the warmth and love of this reception!

91/306 Irene 11/09/09

Gentle, kind, soft spoken,
yet you love to laugh.

Busy at work, conscientious,
but also busy with much other service.

You take care of your sister,
visiting and taking her on little outings.

You attend sewings and quiltings,
work at the thrift store,
give rides to someone who doesn’t drive.

90/306 Justice 11/08/09

What a pleasure to finally meet you! What a delightful boy! You teased your brother with a drawing, and explained to me what it was about. You also said, with grown up concern, “I thought you were going to go to Canada.” Where did this caring for a stranger originate?

89/306 Dragana 11/07/09

I met you on Skype today! You told me about your work with a boy who is autistic, and about changes in the ways people with disabilities are being educated in Serbia. You explained a word play that makes a joke in Serbian. Perhaps I will meet you in person.

88/306 Monica 11/06/09

Your input regarding family patterns and ethnicity was fascinating! Extending the genogram to include all relationships, friendships, coworkers, pets and neighbors inspires me to continue to push out systems thinking even further. Your ideas about genogram play resonated deeply, and the play exercise you led was simple, and yet profound.

87/306 Gloria 11/05/09

Painfully shy, I got the impression you really would prefer that I just not ask you any more questions. Yet I could tell you were interested in the conversations and you were absolutely engaged in what the presenters were saying. Whatever you fear, I pray that God will make whole.

86/306 Martin 11/04/09

Your training and orientation of the chaplains was thorough. It’s true, much will depend on each individual circumstance and on our ability to develop relationships with your staff. Your compassion for people and your respect for life inspire and encourage me to serve our community well in this new role.

85/306 Max 11/03/09

Everyone in your family
is out of control.
You meet yourself
coming and going
and when you find yourself
‘where the wild things are’
you understand Carol
and the rest of your family anew.
You arrive home again
grown up a bit
yet so glad to be a child still.

84/306 Brannon 11/02/09

You won’t let a twisted ankle keep you down. You’re already making plans for an upcoming half marathon and a couple of triathlons after that! With the information you gathered and your enthusiasm for the planning, the training, and preparation, you’ll be ready, and set to go at the gun shot!

83/306 Chad 11/01/09

We hadn’t seen you during the three month sabbatical. Then today, there you were with your classic question, “What do you know?” You are a wealth of knowledge about what’s going on with people you know. You’re what Malcolm Gladwell describes as a ‘maven’ in his book, “The Tipping Point!”

82/306 Callie 10/31/09

What a wonderful nurse you would make! Tonight it was just a Halloween costume, but someday I’d be very happy to have you take care of me! And telling from the way you’ve grown and grown up, you’ll be setting off to college before you, or anyone else knows it!