81/306 Delivery Man 10/30/09

You showed up on our porch with a box and said it had been delivered to your house by mistake. You had asked a neighbor how to get to our street, just one block over from your house because you’re new in town. Your time and effort are greatly appreciated.

80/306 Furrball 10/29/09

You’ve been part of our family for a very long time. We’ve always said you act more like a puppy than a cat. You can’t hear the door open anymore, but that doesn’t keep you from sleeping right there beside the back door. You’re always close by when we’re outside.

79/306 Joyce 10/28/09

You read widely and challenge your own mind and thinking regularly. A critical thinker and problem solver, you have many opportunities to use those skills and to lead people. Leadership is one of your great strengths. But it’s your compassion for people’s pain that fuels your many acts of service.

78/306 Tammy 10/27/09

Nurse in the obstetrics ward, you have a privileged place! You labor along with other women. You share the joy and relief when you hear the baby’s first cry. You also shed tears…as a place of greatest joy always has potential to be a place of greatest sadness, too.

77/306 Margaret 10/26/09

We’ve attended more than one peace center training together, but never had the opportunity to learn to know one another. That is about to change! We will meet to talk this fall and we will travel together to Chicago next year. Your graciousness in all this is deep and wide!

76/306 Gavin 10/25/09

Your special pictures came like clockwork during my sabbatical. I noticed repeatedly, your artist flair! When we talked about some of your drawings, you told me where you got the inspiration for each one! I smiled, seeing your copies a couple of my drawings on the little bookmarks I made.

75/306 More Thunder 10/24/09

As you taxied us to the airport you said you were adopted as an infant. When you found out your biological First Nation roots, many of your special interests resonated deeply. You left us with your elders’ saying, “We must learn to value our differences instead of fearing them.”

74/306 Kirsten 10/23/09

Following a month’s worth of false starts, twenty-one years ago tomorrow, we were finally on our way to the hospital anticipating a short labor and a quick reward. You surprised, however, my longest labor, arriving in a surprising way. You were born face up, ready to take on the world!

73/306 Maxine 10/22/09

I ask, “How are you tonight?” You answer the same as always, “Like old people.” Despite your wasting frame, the twinkle in your eye and your wry smile reflect the sense of humor I’ve always known you to have. Your new little stuffed puppy brings out your sweet, caring side.

72/306 Thunder 10/21/09

When you arrived, you introduced me to the new trainee. You patiently explained details to him and even took time to answer my questions. Later when I checked the card to call for a return trip, I read the by-line, “You’ve just been taken for a ride in Thunder’s cab.

71/306 Christopher 10/20/09

“Thank you for saying that!”
“The intensity of that event is demonstrated
in your visceral reaction.”
“Is this the way you see it?”
“Reactivity always creates shame.”
“A queen can be really terrifying!”
“This isn’t very Bowenian, but…”
“Do you have any hypotheses about that?”
“I find this so fascinating!”

70/306 Peg 10/19/09

When our fellow classmate asked for a ride to his hotel, he didn’t say that he also wanted to stop at the local drug store, or that he really didn’t know where the drug store was located! Through bad directions and untimely navigation you simply continued calmly and most graciously.

69/306 Hank 10/18/09

Kim said, “The party has arrived!” In you walked, full of stories you’ve collected over the years, stories of growing up and life in your family, referee stories, and also of your own children and your work. Funny stories, spectacular, and mundane stories told with an equal amount of energy.

68/306 Bonnie 10/17/09

When you passed me on the road,
you backed up to talk.
As you care for your parents,
and at the same time move into your new house,
your children help you
sort, pitch, downsize, move and simplify.
You ponder the meaning of life,
state of the church and society.

67/306 Marsha 10/15/09

I had hoped and prayed for a baby brother or sister for years! Finally at supper one night, Mom and Dad said they had something to tell us (Wendell and me)! I guessed immediately that we were getting a baby! And then they said we couldn’t tell anyone quite yet!

66/306 Grandma 10/14/09

You woke as I entered your room. It was a rough day! You laughed, however, when you told how upset you were with your therapist. He came in at 5:30 a.m. to get you for therapy. After getting up and waiting in your chair, you realized it was a dream!

65/306 Flight Attendant 10/13/09

As you stumbled over your greetings, directions, and announcements, passengers looked at each other in the nearby seats. Was this for real? By the end of the short flight, no one was laughing any longer. You were for real and your droll routine had become more than a bit annoying.

64/306 Rose 10/12/09

Small in stature, your presence and determination are large and powerful!
Soft of voice, your message of Christ’s love and peace and justice is clear and strong!
Old in age your spirit is hope-ful and energized with purpose!
Weak in strength, your genuine care for others binds together a community.

63/306 Blanche 10/11/09

It’s been said, “One is an orphan whose memory is only as long as their years of life.” You are no orphan! Your memory of your own years is humbling. When you add to that your memory of stories, lessons, songs, poems, scriptures, and connections…it’s down right mind boggling!

62/306 Sarah 10/10/09

You practically skipped in to show me the new piece of fabric you found at the thrift shop! It was absolutely lovely! Sewing since pre-school, designing many of your own clothes, a seamstress after your grandma’s own heart, you contemplated just what you would do with this beautiful bargain yardage.

61/306 Julie 10/09/09

Always two steps ahead of me, I’ve looked up to you and admired you since childhood! I love your broad welcome, your generosity and passion, your dedication to your family. You are so much more creative than you ever give yourself credit for. And yes, I do admire you still!

60/306 Ada 10/08/09

You saw us coming and stopped short, opened your arms wide and shrieked with delight. Your big hug and your sweet smile were only outdone by your classic silliness and your heartfelt concern. Oh! And you can’t disguise your notes of encouragement with a question mark in the return address!

59/306 TMA Docent 10/07/09

As we gazed at the artist’s modest portrayal of Adam and Eve, you offered that the painting just returned after being on loan. You also reported, quite the scandal was raised by a pastor regarding the painting, as the artist chose to paint the two, clearly showing them with bellybuttons!

58/306 Mildred 10/06/09

You were a good friend many years ago. We were very different then, just as we are today. Then I admired your spirit, your determination to meet whatever life offered with a positive attitude. Today after lots more life and even bigger challenges, you continue to inspire faith, hope, love.

57/306 Mallory 10/05/09

You called to say you and Kirstie were ‘on the way!’ You tell funny jokes and interesting stories and you’re eager to help, whether making mint chocolate cookies or doing supper dishes. It’s just fun to have you around! You’re a good friend and I’m so glad you’re Kirsten’s friend!

56/306 Bret the Artist 10/04/09

As we traveled north, the clouds got heavier and darker. In response to my comment that I hate the constant dark clouds in Northwest Ohio, you said, “I don’t. I think they provide texture.” I giggled, because I’ve never thought of you as an artist. I am doubly duly corrected!

55/306 Bret 10/03/09

Hours on the road Thursday ended with a loud motel and little sleep. Friday’s white water rafting for you and reading for me ended with another late night searching for a room in the inn. Approaching Archbold you mused, “No matter where you’ve been, it’s always good to come home.”

54/306 Helpful Advisor 10/02/09

You knew I was planning to ride the whitewater waves, but had to stay behind. On my way back to the camp lodge after a long nap in the car, and several hours of reading, you asked if I was going to do anything fun today, and offered your suggestions.

53/306 Sister Ellen 10/01/09

True to her nature, at the end of our time, Sister Ellen helped me get to the heart of the matter with one simple question. She asked, “Has the sabbatical been worth it?” “Of course it’s been worth it. It’s life. It’s not what I anticipated, but yes, worth it!”

52/306 Mary Ellen 09/30/09

I couldn’t get my genogram to fit the one page limit, so I called the center and asked if I should cut down on the number of people, since I have such a large family. Mary Ellen reported that I was proposing to cut out some of my family members!