21/306 Ben 08/30/09

Your eyes lit up when you saw those boxes of raspberries! You stuck your little hand in and grabbed as many as you could hold…again…and again! You squealed, “I love raspberries!” You’ll certainly eat them until your belly aches, and then turn around…and do the same tomorrow!

20/306 Jordan 08/29/09

You looked so alone sitting in your dormitory room under your loft in between orientation events. It’s one huge transition! But your bubbly personality, love of people, loyalty, inner strength, strong support of friends and family, and your faith will serve you well as you adjust! You can do this!

19/306 Wrong Number 08/28/09

“Is this the place with the self-propelled chopper for sale?”

“Well, my husband sometimes sells things…Is this chopper a lawn mower?”

“No, it’s for cutting hay.”

“Oh! You’re calling the farm implement dealer! Their phone number is one digit off from ours.”

“I’m so sorry! I must have the wrong number!”

18/306 Sister Ellen 08/27/09

I wasn’t sure how to begin with a new spiritual director. But the transition was seamless, I believe because of her grace, her gentleness, her keen sense of God’s Spirit and her courage. As she listens to my dreams, questions and fears, the Spirit descends and offers what I need.

17/306 Geralyn 08/26/09

Just a couple of years older than me, she taught my middle school students when they graduated to high school. Though our paths seldom crossed, she taught me much more than many people whom I’ve known well. She didn’t make it home for Christmas break and I was forever changed.

16/306 Pamela 08/25/09

Pastor, Preacher, Professor, Priestess, Philosopher, Poet

Advisor, Academic Scholar

Mentor, Mini Cooper Driver, Memory Keeper

Extrovert, Evangelical, Extraordinarily Gifted

Liberationist, Listener, Lifetime Learner (which makes you an excellent Teacher and a perpetual Student)

Also Trustworthy, Loyal, Truth-seeker, Tea-drinker, Nurse, Conversationalist, Theologian, Feminist, Humorist, Avid Reader, Children’s Literature Lover, Writer, Friend

15/306 Little Girl 08/24/09

Friday, you and your brother bounded into the doctor’s office waiting room with your daddy. Immediately you recognized the woman sitting beside me and the elderly couple with her. You all enjoyed your sweet reunion! When it was time to go, you smiled wide and hugged everyone tight...including me!

14/306 Man Behind 08/23/09

You were quite chatty, describing everything to your guests, also seated behind us at church. You explained that here, they focus only on fundamental, basic Christianity. You said, “It doesn’t matter how you get along with your neighbor! The only thing that matters is how you get along with God.”

13/306 Lane 08/22/09

You worked for weeks, researching, writing, preparing for the presentation. The topic was ‘veterans who act and work for peace.’ The presentation went well, and the participants asked good questions. It could easily be that your presentation will breathe resurrection of hope, life and wholeness for those broken by war.

12/306 Mom 08/21/09

So tender hearted, we’ve always teased you when you cried at a sad movie or at the airport just seeing others saying ‘Good-bye.’ It was the same tenderness that was evident today as you helped Grandma with her ice cream. I have to say, I’m glad I take after you.

11/306 Gloria 08/20/09

Holding a walking stick, she told the story, as if it was her own…of Jesus healing the woman who was severely bent over. In her imaginative and earthy way she drew us in, until we, too, recognized individuals in the crowd by their feet and celebrated her release joyously!

10/306 Kirsten 08/19/09

Thrilled by the prospect of the challenge,
hungry to compete again,
energized by love for the game,
still you felt no need to list
any accomplishments past.

It’s better in your mind,
to demonstrate what you can do today.
No team can have too many leaders like that!
Play ball!

9/306 Erin 08/18/09

So excited to share your new discoveries: before unnoticed sights, new friends and connections, delightful paths through the city, boutiques, fresh ideas! Synergistically, if not yet understood mathematically, the result is greater than the sum of parts. You are richer both for the discoveries and for offering them to others.

8/306 Perry 08/17/09

Music Man begins the day
with guitar in hand

the whole day long

Rides the air
on a jazz jammin’ flow

Analyzes hymns
both the music and the poem

Celebrates melody, rhythm,
band, musician friends and chord

Then the day ends
with a silly song
delivered with
complementary grin

7/306 Brody 08/16/09

Little one so loved and treasured
always blessed...specially today

Delight and deepest pleasure
just to watch you
smiling, cooing, cuddling, sleeping

May you always be surrounded
by the love and faith that bore you
and ever grow…mind, body, soul
to reflect the sweet love of Jesus our Lord.

6/306 Jon 08/15/09

I saw your sunglasses this morning…
didn’t realize it was you behind…
until I was told later.

But you were out of your Sunday bench…
your tussling brothers and watchful parents nowhere in sight.

…that was long ago…

Now you have Ivan and Nina
to keep in their Sunday benches.

5/306 Jill 08/14/09

I’m watering flowers, considering sabbatical revisions, when you walk across the street, and I get to hear about the way things worked, after a year away, for you to return to your previous teaching job…same grade, same room, same challenges, but with a fresh new affirmation of your passion.

4/306 Dorothy 08/13/09

Master Gardener
Lover of Food and Fun
Chicken and Egg Farmer
Grandpa’s Caregiver
Antique Collector
Furniture Refinisher
Quilt Maker
Bargain Hunter
Obituary Reader
Stranger to None
Student of People
Silly, Habitually
GREAT Grandma
Friend of Mine
Original Recycler
Ahead of Her Time
My Gran

3/306 Marvin 08/12/09

Had to check his schedule…
Might be arranged…
He took my place on the ‘Independence’…
Salmon fishing on Lake Michigan.

“Why’s it always YOUR turn
when the big one’s on?” he asks Bret.

“Too bad Wanda couldn’t come…”

But his smile on the pictures tells the story.
It worked out.

2/306 Grandma K. 08/11/09

Grandma K. came to my house today. 91 years old, still learning, coping, finding her way, tooling in on her cart. She was concerned, wanted to see if I felt better. That’s so Orpha! A sympathetic ear to your pain, illness or injury. You can always count on her pity.

1/306 Bunsel 08/10/09

Strong, that’s you!
Also Intelligent, Dedicated,
Funny, and Fun!
Our love, life, and memories
I’m holding deep in my soul.

Competitive, Diligent, Intense,
Capable, Athletic, Very Handsome,
And that’s you as well.
Twenty-nine years:
Memories, Kids, Joys,
Disappointments, Love, Life Together.
I’m holding you deep in my soul.

Happy Anniversary!