Cat Lover 01-04-13

You’ve gotta love a cat…to hold it comfortingly immediately following a near death experience involving a dog chase attack. You’ve gotta love a cat…to continue to defend its behavior as “provoked” when it bites you on the chin once and on both hands repeatedly. Yes, you’ve gotta love a cat.

Kyocera Man 01-03-2013

You repair copiers. I suppose that means people are generally grouchy when you arrive and happy when you leave. Perhaps that’s why you carry that surly disposition with you whenever you do your work. Today I barely noticed you; didn’t even acknowledge your frown. What does that say about me?


Your joyful recognition and sweet smile welcomed me warmly as we passed in the hall and met out of the blue. Your sadness tumbled out as easily as your joy, with unalarmed transparency and easy presence. Time stood still in moments of reconnecting, sharing stories, tears, and a spontaneous embrace.

92/306 Haiden 11/10/09

Holding you I wonder. Your future, is unknown yet certainly full of hope and deep desire for all that is good in life. What will be depends so much on the decisions of others. Yet you will also make choices. May you remember the warmth and love of this reception!

91/306 Irene 11/09/09

Gentle, kind, soft spoken,
yet you love to laugh.

Busy at work, conscientious,
but also busy with much other service.

You take care of your sister,
visiting and taking her on little outings.

You attend sewings and quiltings,
work at the thrift store,
give rides to someone who doesn’t drive.

90/306 Justice 11/08/09

What a pleasure to finally meet you! What a delightful boy! You teased your brother with a drawing, and explained to me what it was about. You also said, with grown up concern, “I thought you were going to go to Canada.” Where did this caring for a stranger originate?

89/306 Dragana 11/07/09

I met you on Skype today! You told me about your work with a boy who is autistic, and about changes in the ways people with disabilities are being educated in Serbia. You explained a word play that makes a joke in Serbian. Perhaps I will meet you in person.